Electronic Logging DeviceGlobal Telecommunication Services, Inc. GTS ELD
Model NumberGTSELD_TK_100
Software VersionV1.5.8

Model Information

Data Transfer MethodsELD collected raw data is transferred via wireless data transfer prototype in JSON format to company specified URL. ELOG required data and report are generated and stored in company ELOG server cluster. All ELOG required data/report have two ways to obtain: 1 download from website 2 email as PDF attachment. ELD raw and intermediate log and tracking related data is available by output to flat and delimtered text file or excel file and email out.
Malfunction NotesPower failure Data collection failed Data local storage full Data transfer failed Device heartbeat lost
Certifying StatementGTS ELD has been tested through hardware and software in order to comply with FMCSA ELD regulation. Hardware testing has phases of power, data collection, data precision, data transfer. Software testing has unit tests over Fleet Management Module, Trip and Event Module, ELOG Report Module (including sub modules of Generation, Certification, Final Preparation, Report Delivery Service), Roadside Inspection. An integrated system testing is followed thereafter.

Company Information

ManufacturerGlobal Telecommunication Services, Inc.
Contact Email[email protected]
Contact Phone Number5127458888
Address209 E Newman Ave., , Arcadia, CA 91006

Devices From Global Telecommunication Services, Inc.

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