Entity Name | ENTEGRA COACH |
Manufacturer ID | 1585 |
Vehicle Details
Vehicle Name | Trailer |
Vehicle Name | Multipurpose Passenger Vehicle (MPV) |
Primary Vehicle? | 1 |
Manufacturer Details
Address | 903 S. Main St None Middlebury, INDIANA 46540 |
Principal | Derald Bontrager,
President |
Submitter | David Mihalick, Dir. Regulatory Compliance |
Submitted On | Mon, 31 Oct 2016 15:41:37 +0000 |
Vehicle 1 Specifications
Name | Trailer |
Vehicle 1: Gross Vehicle Weight Rating | Class 5: 16,001 - 19,500 lb (7,258 - 8,845 kg) to Class 8: 33,001 lb and above (14,969 kg and above) |
Primary Offering? | False |
Vehicle 2 Specifications
Name | Multipurpose Passenger Vehicle (MPV) |
Vehicle 2: Gross Vehicle Weight Rating | Class 3: 10,001 - 14,000 lb (4,536 - 6,350 kg) to Class 8: 33,001 lb and above (14,969 kg and above) |
Primary Offering? | True |
Contact And Misc Information
Also Does Business As (DBA) | None |
Phone Number | (574)825-5861 |
Email | [email protected] |
Last Updated | Mon, 31 Oct 2016 17:41:39 +0000 |
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