Data Transfer Methods | The ELD Output file is composed of records from the cached data. It will pull all users that have driven the CMV currently in use by the driver, the unidentified driver record will be retrieved, and it will pull all CMVs the driver has operated in the time period. Any events related to the driver, truck, and unidentified driver records will be included after the header, user list, and truck list in the order outlined in section 4.8.2 of the functional requirements document. The file is saved to a CSV using the ELD Output File Name Standard outlined in Each method of data transfer selected must go through the process of gathering the required data, and generating the CSV file. There are three methods currently available to the driver for transferring the generated file. The methods are Web Service, Email, and USB. The Web Service method will generate the CSV file, and package it in the outlined format FMCSA requires for their web service. The Email method will encrypt and sign the generated file into SMIME using RSA, and encrypt again using the provided AES key before sending over SMTP. The USB method will detect the USB device, and transfer the file to the authorized official. The first step for the driver is to press the "Officer" button on the main screen. A new screen will pop up to select Web Service, Email, or USB. They will press one of the options, and press "Proceed to Output". It will prompt the driver to enter in an output file comment using the form's on-screen keyboard. Once they are finished entering in the comment, they will press "Accept". The data transfer process will start for the selected option, and the screen will inform the driver when the transfer completes. If records are being requested outside of the cached data window, the authorized officials can request the information from the office. The office program allows for up to 6 months or older to be retrieved. The office program allows for selecting based off of driver, trucks, or terminal, and will generate a file with a requested date range. Multiple files will be generated following the required naming convention, and will include the same format as a truck generated output file. |
Certifying Statement | We certify in our model PMSE01 used in conjunction with a Windows Tablet conforms to the ELD requirements, as proven with the successful execution of the test procedures. The following details test procedures used for certification: The ELD utilizes an internal geo-location mechanism under Windows 10 location services with optional support for external mechanisms. The Geo-Location protocol undergoes constant monitoring, and the program will ping the service to ensure a response can be obtained and a valid location is present. Any failure to log geo-locations are recorded as a diagnostic or malfunction for the current driver as outlined in Section CMV communication is ensured through both an internal run of diagnostic port commands in a mock vehicle interface, and utilizing appropriate CMV with diagnostic ports. In order to verify operational status with CMV, varied manufacturer years were utilized in testing older vehicles compared to newer vehicles. Any information the ELD is unable to retrieve from the CMV is logged under the appropriate compliance monitoring diagnostic or malfunction as outlined in 4.6.1. Each ELD is placed under a test plan involving each driver status, and all malfunction and diagnostic scenarios to validate proper log recording. The malfunction and diagnostic cases are run in an automated process to force the ELD into the appropriate state, and cross checked with recorded record. Selected CMV drivers were instructed to include prototype versions in conjunction with their existing systems in order to verify a real-time environment for driver records. The upload file has been sent through FMCSA’s file verification portal to ensure the format meets certification. Any changes that were made to the generation process utilized the portal to re-certify the authenticity of the format. The contents of each generated file was cross-checked with the outline in the Functional Requirements for each segment of the output file under various usage scenarios. The FMCSA Web Service is pinged in regular intervals to verify communication to the portal is achievable. During test file submissions the test credentials provided by FMCSA were utilized to certify successful upload to FMCSA Web Service. USB Transfer was verified utilizing the provided authentication file, and a flash drive maintained for testing ELD. This flash drive was plugged into the ELD, and the procedure was executed resulting in reliable and secure file transfer over USB. Each attempt was verified by examining the USB flash drive for the output file. Bluetooth Transfer was verified by successfully testing Bluetooth pairing with an appropriate device, and utilizing the connection for Web Service communication. The Web Service transfer procedure was utilized to successfully verify the ability to ping the service, and certify capability to upload the file. |