Electronic Logging DeviceLogIT ELD LogIT ELD
Model NumberLogIT ELD0712
Software Versionv237 or newer

Model Information

Data Transfer MethodsLogIT ELD uses the fallowing Telematics both: Wireless Web services and Email ELD driver can transfer the ELD records with an “authorized safety official” simply following the steps bellow: 1. Select “Inspection Mode” in the menu. 2. Click “Share” button. 3. In opened popup select “Send output file” option. 4. Enter Output File Comment - An authorized safety official may provide a key phrase or code. 5. Wait until output file will be sent to FMCSA. 6. Review FMCSA response. In case if Your Inspection report has errors or warnings, corresponding popup will appear. If You don’t have internet connection during road inspection, you can send output file using DOT officer Bluetooth (Hotspot mode), when you have stable internet use instruction above.
Malfunction NotesOn Logbook screen of ELD driver always see's the eld icon, if any mulfunction occurs - driver will be notified with a popup describing information about the mulfunction and recomendations how driver should try to resolve/fix it and eld icon will become red. Same time information about malfunction save into user history and will be displayed in inspection display/print data, eld data file. If any mulfunctions currently active - eld icon will be red and clicking on it will show current mulfunctions infromation. Also each eld client will recieve a printout, describing possible mulfunctions, how to detect them and steps to resolve them. If need any additional information - please provide more specific question, as nowhere in eld mandate/ELD Test Plan and Procedures specified what exactly should be pointed in this field(explanation, examples) Currently implemented malfunctions: -Power data diagnostic events - if ELD is not powered and fully functional within one minute of the vehicle’s engine receiving power -Power compliance malfunctions - if ELD is not powered for an aggregated in-motion driving time of 30 minutes or more over a 24-hour period across all driver profiles -Engine synchronization data diagnostic events - if no data comes from vehicle ecu's within five seconds of the need -Engine synchronization compliance malfunctions - if no data comes from vehicle ecu's for more than 30 minutes during a 24-hour period aggregated across all driver profiles. -Timing compliance malfunction - if ELD can no longer meet the underlying compliance requirement to record Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) -Positioning compliance malfunction - if ELD fails to acquire a valid position measurement within 5 miles of the commercial motor vehicle moving and 60 minutes has passed(gps failure) -Data recording compliance malfunction - occurs when an ELD can no longer record or retain required events or retrieve recorded logs that are not kept remotely by the motor carrier(memory limit, save failure) -Missing required data elements data diagnostic event - if any required data field is missing at the time of its recording(validation failure) -Data transfer data diagnostic event - if when the operation of the data transfer mechanism(s) is not confirmed(file generation failure, transfer failure) -Data transfer compliance malfunction - if ELD stays in the unconfirmed data transfer mode following the next three consecutive monitoring checks(file generation failure, transfer failure) -Unidentified driving records data diagnostic event - If ELD record driving event with no driver logged in for more than 30 minutes of driving time for an unidentified driver is recorded within a 24-hour period
Certifying StatementThe LogIT ELD techs fallowed all the FMCSA step by step procedures and came back with a positive (P) pass result and ELD device complies with FMCSA safety regulations (ELD Rule) LogIT ELD Certifies that the ELD device complies with FMCSA safety regulations (ELD Rule)

Company Information

ManufacturerLogIT ELD
Contact Email[email protected]
Contact Phone Number(888) 904-3999
Address201 NE Park Plaza dr ste 148, Vancouver, WA 98684

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Device ID

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