2022 KIA Telluride AWD

Manufacturer NameKia
Manufacturer CodeKMX
Car Class31
Car Class DetailsSmall SUV 4WD
Model Type (Manufacturer)
Release Date5/15/2021

Engine Specifications

Model TypeSIDI;
Engine Displacement3.8 liters
Number of Cylinders6
Aspiration MethodNA
Aspiration DescriptionNaturally Aspirated
Variable Valve TimingY
Variable Valve Timing DetailsVVT
Variable Valve LiftN
Cam-less Valvetrain?N
Intake Valves/Cylinder2
Exhaust Valves/Cylinder2
Cylinder DeactivationN
Model TypeSIDI;


Not Applicable

Fuel And Fuel Effiency

Fuel Efficiency Rating (On Label)4
Estimated Fuel Cost (Annual)$1700
Fuel Cost (Annual) - EPA Calculated$1700
Expected Fuel Cost Over Next 5 Years$2000
Gas Guzzler DescriptionTruck
Conventional Fuel Efficiency - City/Highway/Combo19 / 24 / 21
Conventional Fuel Efficiency - City/Highway/Combo23.2865 / 27.1734 / 27.1734 (Unadjusted)
Max. Ethanol Percent15
Fuel Type (Conventional) DetailsGasoline (Regular Unleaded Recommended)
Fuel Metering SystemSpark Ignition Direct Injection
Engine Start/Stop SystemYes

Transmission System

Number of Gears8
Lockup Torque ConverterY
Creeper GearN
Drive SystemA
Drive DescriptionAll Wheel Drive


Recommended Oil ViscositySAE 5W30
4-doory Passenger Volume157
4-door Luggage Volume21
Conventional Fuel CO2 Production City/Highway/Comb.480 / 366 / 429

Smog And Pollution

Greehouse Gas (GHG) Score4
Smog Rating Test GroupNKMXT03.8ML5
Mfr. Smog Rating5
Testing MethodDerived 5-cycle label

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